Doha West Sewage Plant Refurbishment

Doha West Sewage Plant Refurbishment

Project Owner: Public Works Authority of Qatar

Location: Doha, Qatar

Business Unit: QCTC

Scope of Work: Project aims to provide a safe and sustainable operation of the Old plant for the next 15 years and bring up its capacity up to 70,000 cubic meters per day, through refurbishment and upgrading of the Old Treatment Plant which currently independently treating about 50,000 cubic meters per day of tankered sewage which was designed and built in the 1980s. Refurbishment of full elevated inlet structure. Refurbishment of two primary settlement tanks to be converted to gravity thickener, and other two tanks to be converted to sludge storage tanks. Refurbishment of eight aeration tanks, the final settlement tanks, the tertiary treatment and inlet pumping station and that of RAS/SAS pumping station. The project’s contract value was 20,000,000 SAR.

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