Backfilling & Excavation

Backfilling & Excavation

Excavation and backfilling of soil is a very important part of construction process, and care must be taken while excavation in safety perspective.

Earthwork in excavation and backfilling of soil upto required depth is required for construction of foundation and trenches. The proper sequence of excavation and backfilling is required to optimise the process and prevent safety issues.
Different soil layers may be encountered while excavation, dewatering may be needed sometimes. These points must be kept in mind to take necessary action during excavation and backfilling. Correct measurement of excavation and backfilling is required because excavation cost is major part of the foundation construction.

The following are the materials and tools used for excavation:

  • Hydraulic Excavator
  • Tractor / Trucks
  • Spade
  • Kassi
  • Pickaxe
  • Crowbar
  • Rammer
  • Wedge
  • Boning Rod
  • Sledge Hammer
  • Basket
  • Iron Pan
  • Line and Pins
  • Hydraulic Compactor

The following is the entire scope of work related to excavation and backfilling:

  • Setting out of corner benchmarks.
  • Survey for ground levels.
  • Survey for top levels
  • Excavation to approved depth.
  • Dressing of loose soil.
  • Making up to cut off level
  • Constructing dewatering wells and interconnecting trenches.
  • Marking boundaries of the building.
  • Constructing protection bunds and drains

Techniques Used for Backfilling

This technique involves some mechanical means such as a compactor on an excavator or a “jumping jack”-type compactor. Compact soils to not less than the percentages of maximum dry density as determined in accordance with ASTM D698, Method A (Standard Proctor). The soil lift will depend upon the nature of the backfill, and the compaction equipment to be used. Water may be added during the compaction process, to assist with compaction. The following steps are recommended:

  1. Backfill in layers of 4″-6″ (non-organic fill and clean of debris)
  2. Compact with a 1,000 lb. compactor
  3. Water thoroughly
  4. Repeat first three steps

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