Industrial Construction, Repair & Maintenance

ISD (Industrial Services Division) is a specialized contractor supporting Saudi Arabia’s industrial belts.  ISD has successfully performed numerous repairs and maintenance projects around the nation, mostly for subsidiaries of Sabic, SWCC, Marafiq, SEC, Sadara, Farabi, Tasnee, and other important industrial clients. ISD’s distinctive approach, led by highly skilled engineers and personnel, entails a thorough understanding of the facilities and the development of a comprehensive remedial plan. This approach extends the service life of the industrial structure and ensures minimal disruption of facility operations, with a strong emphasis on safety.

ISD's Services Includes:

ISD offers comprehensive time bound solutions geared towards the industrial sector that involve extensive pre-planning and interaction with the facility users, assembling specific specialized work crews that work 24/7 365 days, including:

Coditional Assessment

Structural Concrete Repair

Steel Structure Upgrades

Composite Strengthening

Industrial Maintenance

Linings & Coatings

Underwater Repairs


Mechanical Piping


ISD’s unique approach, led by highly skilled engineers and manpower, involves completely understanding the facilities and developing a comprehensive remedial plan that not only extends the service life of the industrial structure but ensures minimum disruption of facility operations with maximum emphasis on safety.

From Periodic Maintenance and Repairs to Emergency Services and Turnarounds, Piers to Process Structures, Cooling Towers to Cokers, Silos to Sulphur pits, Tower beams to PCCP pipes, Silos to Stacks, Chimneys to Cooling towers, Electric Manholes strengthening to Substation protection, ISD is always ready to offer comprehensive time bound solutions that involve extensive pre-planning and interaction with the facility users, assembling specific specialized work crews that work 24/7 365 days for successful remedial implementation.