Workplace & Marketplace


At KCG, we recognize that our organization will succeed and grow only if we attract and retain the highest-quality workforce: talented, engaged employees dedicated to engaging with customers and fulfilling our corporate mission and values. We are committed to treating our employees well – from providing a welcoming work environment to competitive total compensation and benefit programs to comprehensive development opportunities – and we strive to ensure that we reward our employees with more than a paycheck. People, Performance, Passion – our mission is to deliver an employee value proposition that ignites passion, “unwraps” potential, builds capability, drives performance and wins in the marketplace.

We actively work to enrich the lives of our employees through competitive salaries and benefits. To foster greater physical health, we’ve instituted a wide array of wellness programs, including establishing sports teams and building football, volleyball and basketball courts at our labor camp, as well as incentive programs and safety campaigns. We have also derived a medical insurance plan that favors all employees. All employees are enrolled in an incentive plan.



KCG is dedicated to workforce diversity. There is great value in the differences that make each individual unique. Embracing new ways of thinking and diverse management styles, as well as the experiences and abilities that come from bringing together people of different backgrounds, only serves to make KCG a stronger company.




KCG’s marketplace extends regionally. We are committed to deal fairly and ethically with all parties and at all points of our supply chain. We work hard to ensure the responsible and sustainable sourcing of materials; affordable products of the highest quality and the safe processing of our services. Employees, managers and officers adhere to a Code of Ethical Business Conduct to guide behavior and decision making. Our Procurement Principals are the best-practices guides of ethical behavior for our vendors and suppliers.

KCG is committed to the responsible marketing of our products and services. Our strong values guide our behavior in all aspects of our reputation-building work, and we apply these values to all customers. KCG will apply its Marketing Principles to all forms of media designed for its customers, including printed, online advertising, and video.