Human Resources

Health & Safety
Health and Safety remains a priority issue for KCG. The Group’s work environment policy was revised in 2013. The company’s work environment network is intensely active and extra resources have been allocated to introduce benchmarking across KCG focused on internal learning, greater collaboration and transparency. A key focus of activities in recent years has been on improving the safety culture by changing behaviors at work. The improvement in reporting accidents, incidents and risk observations has led to a rise in the number of incidents and risk observations. This forms an important part of the Group’s preventive health and safety work.
In recent years, the Group has seen a positive trend concerning the number of accidents. Work is now moving forward to achieve KCG vision of being a zero accident organization.

Equality & Diversity
The Group’s belief in the equal value of all people runs through every part of its business. KCG aims to be an organization where everyone is treated with respect and never harassed or demeaned – no form of discrimination is accepted.

Tools for HR Work
HR work is governed by laws, contracts and polices, and forms a natural part of the Group’s business plans.

The Personnel Policy
Reflects the Group’s stance on what constitutes sound human resources policy. It highlights the joint responsibility of management and staff for maintaining a good work and development climate.

The Work Environment Policy
This policy, which was revised in 2013, contains the principles for how work environment activities are to be run in KCG.

KCG's Employees
Attracting, developing and retaining employees who are courageous, committed and responsible lays the foundation for KCG’s continued success. The combined skills and abilities of the employees are an engine of profitable growth, underpinned by KCG’s core values.

Future Career Potential
Within KCG, skills development is part of our goals. This is expressed through training courses, changes in duties, new roles or participation in projects. Internal mobility is encouraged and many employees have a number of different positions at KCG under their belt. A regular in-house mentoring program is popular with employees, as it contributes to professional and personal development.

Value-Based Leadership
KCG works actively to promote value-based leadership, where managers motivate their employees by showing courage through creating commitment and delegating responsibility. Such an approach leads to greater participation and dynamism, resulting in a more change-oriented organization.

Leader Training
The Group’s managers receive continuous training. New managers undergo leadership training. KCG has many strong leaders, and the Group works continuously to identify managers who can take on more responsibility and challenges and to highlight internal career paths for such people.

Talent Review
Each year, managers, key personnel and employees with high potential are identified and comprehensive successor planning is carried out as part of a systematic process. KCG strives to fill a large proportion of all managerial vacancies through internal recruitment, in order to provide employees with clear career paths and opportunities to grow within the internal organization.
KCG's Strategic Direction
KCG believes in the capacities and competitiveness of local labor force. In-line with the goal of achieving an excellent level, and the fulfillment of the Ministry of Labor’s Nationalization Program, local hiring has been intensified as evidenced by the significant growth in hiring of Saudi Nationals.
Our National Human Resources team has systematized the control and coordination of visa utilization by establishing a steady system flow through proper channels. Attracted and retained recruits that provide services with superior quality and value to the company. Minimized staff turnover by maintaining a harmonious work environment and demonstrating care for every employee through open communication and periodic counseling, while maintaining and enforcing high standards of ethical conduct.
Our HR team has also fully supported the integration of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) that streamlined HR workflow, payroll system, communication and accessibility to non-centralized workforce.