KCG has developed a Nationalization Program supporting the qualified national workforce. With nationalization, KCG strives to encourage and increase the employment of young Saudi nationals. Part of embracing the future and making sure our country lives up to its best potential involves using the talents and capabilities of the brightest minds. We are continuously hiring individuals, giving ample opportunities to the freshest, most innovative minds in the Kingdom, and taking advantage of their knowledge and global experience for the country’s benefit.
Our Plan for the Qualified National Workforce
The Induction Program aims to increase our Nationalization ratio by recruiting talented Saudi graduates and placing them in jobs that suit their skills and capabilities. At the beginning of the program, top management set a very clear and high-aiming goal: to raise the Saudization ratio to meet and even exceed the requirements of the new labor law in terms of manpower. Our Program offers Saudi fresh graduates of high schools or universities and who hold diplomas, Bachelor or Masters Degrees comprehensive training focusing on:
The values of teamwork and customer satisfaction
• Soft skills like delivering presentations • Effective communication and
• Creative thinking
At a later stage the young Saudis are being trained for the challenging work environment based on their tasks. The program involves vocational training, practical exercises and, most importantly on-the-job training sessions at office or on jobsite.
Our Commitment to Nationalization
A growing number of senior technical, managerial and executive positions are held by highly qualified Saudis. At KCG, we leverage our regional, broad-based range of competencies to serve our markets from competent local companies with exceptionally well-qualified local employees. This is our commitment to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

KCG recruits and hires employees regardless of race, color, nationality, ethnic origin, religion, sect, or gender. All rights, privileges, programs, trainings, activities, compensations and remunerations are provided to all employees on established scale. Employees are hired and awarded according to their qualifications, accomplishments, educational background, degrees earned, experience, loyalty and merits. KCG believes in adopting an Individual Career Path (ICP), which becomes the road map to individual development potential. KCG provide a challenging work environment in which achievers are rewarded. At KCG the Human Resources and Development department’s task is to handle all personnel matters such as recruitment, social services, residence permits, time keeping, staff files, staff insurance policies, HR seminars and training programs. KCG is committed to hire high caliber staff