Supply Chain Management

The Central Procurement Department in KCG was established with the objective of having to ensure the least cost, most effective, and most efficient procurement of all services and goods required for the proper functioning of the company.
Central Procurement Department KCG Supply Chain Management Strategy
- Network optimization through our facilities and warehouses located in the gulf region mainly in Riyadh, Jeddah, Dammam, Dubai, and Abu Dhabi.
- Strategic partnership with our major suppliers and distributors throughout a long history, experience and effective communication channels for operational improvements.
- Product coordination with major consultants for design and specification approval so that new and existing products can be optimally integrated into the supply chain.
- IT infrastructure to support chain operations.
KCG Procurement Management Responsibility
– To ensure that KCG maintains:
- An appropriate procurement system which is fair, equitable, transparent, competitive and cost-effective
- Effective, efficient and transparent systems of financial, risk management and internal control
- A system of internal audit under the control and direction of an audit committee complying with and operating in accordance with prescribed regulations and instructions
- To act with integrity and in the best interest of KCG in managing its financial affairs, including the avoidance of conflict of interest, improper practices and opportunities for fraud, theft and corruption
- To prevent any prejudice to the financial interests of KCG
- To purchase or otherwise acquire, take on lease or hire, exchange, improve, sell, mortgage, pledge, let, dispose of or otherwise deal in property of any description whatsoever
– To take effective and appropriate steps to:
- Prevent irregular expenditure, fruitless and wasteful expenditure, losses resulting from criminal conduct and expenditure not complying with the operational policies of KCG
- Manage available working capital efficiently and economically
- To ensure that expenditure of KCG is in accordance with the approved budget
- To approve the allocation of funds to strategic goals of KCG