In a strong case of showmanship, and to bring the Kabbani workforce closer together, an inter-company tape ball cricket tournament was held at the IKK Camp, located in Mersal Village in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia! The tournament lasted for 7 weeks with exciting and energetic matches between 4 teams: The Kabbani Gladiators with team captain Anwar Khan, the Kabbani Kings with team captain Imran Qaiser, the Kabbani Royals with team captain Luqman Ulfat and the Kabbani Warriors with team captain Asad Ali!
The tournament was preceded by an opening ceremony held on Friday, June 29, 2018 at IKK Camp Mersal Village, which was attended by chief guest KCGCC president Mr. Munir Zakout, as well as guests of honor KCG Camp manager Mr. Ahmad Abbas and executive assistant CEO Mr. Fahad Al Safadi. Prior to the finals, which were held on August 10, 2018, the Kabbani Kings were in the lead with 12 points, followed by the Kabbani Gladiators with 6 points, the Kabbani Royals with 4 points and the Kabbani Warriors with 2 points, all resulting from 6 matches.
The finalists, the Kings and the Gladiators, had a toss, or flipping of the coin, prior to the final to determine which captain will have the right to choose whether his team will bat or field at the beginning of the match. The Kabbani Kings won the toss and they chose to field, automatically making the Kabbani Gladiators bat at the start of the game. The Kabbani Gladiators made 126 runs with losses of 6 wickets in 10 overs, while the Kabbani Kings made 131 runs with losses of 2 wickets in 8.4 overs. The Kabbani Kings won the final match by about 8 wickets, making them the champions of the tournament.
The final match was followed with a closing and awarding ceremony, which was attended by guests of honor IKK CEO Mr. Amr Alkabbani, Mr. Fahad Al Safadi, KCG marketing manager Eng. Nibrass Alzawawi, Mr. Ahmad Abbas and procurement representative Mr. Ahmad Abdulhafiz. The closing ceremony started with a rendition of the Saudi national anthem with certificates, awards, trophies and gold & silver medals presented to the participating teams by the guests of honor.
Congratulations to the Kabbani Kings for winning and for the rest of the teams for doing a fantastic job! The tournament was an excellent showcase of teamwork and gave members of the company an opportunity to come together and bond over mutual interests. We’re already looking forward to the next one!